We will once again fill the Cowan Civic Center with Vintage, Farmhouse, Handmade, Boutiques and MORE!!
These vendors they are the real deal, top notch, gonna bring their A game. So, get ready now!!
We will also have kettle korn & food trailer(s) on site.
OVER $3000 in door prizes!! Goodie bags to the first 30 shoppers each day!
PLUS, you know it we are home of the Cotton Cannon, that's right those t-shirts will be falling from above!! So, get ready, get there early, bring a friend or 4 and don't forget the trucks!!!
We will have our muscle men and loading crew standing by for those heavy items, we will also have our holding area for those of you that load up!! Take advantage of this at NO cost to you!!
The cost to beat the crowds and get the best JUNK first
Friday ----$10
>>>General Admission all day Saturday ---$5
Children 12 and Under FREE --- Parking FREE
Tickets can ONLY be purchased at the door.