We all know that June is the month for Brides, but what about those that are saying good by to what they thought was Happily Ever After and it turned out to Never Ever After. Closing doors can be just as hard as opening them. We would like to invite you out to the resort for a fun filled weekend of burning the dress or whatever else you need to burn or tear down. BRING IT AND BURN IT.
Maybe it's been a long term relationship full of broken promises and broken hearts lets take the weekend to put the past in the past and not try to grow our future in regret. Because nothing grows there ever. You don't have to be single to participate in this event. Maybe you're in a current relationship but hanging on to thing that aren't letting you move forward. Well lets do the things that help you let go!
Friday: check in Camp Set Up (If you have a blow up pool or kiddy pool make sure to bring it) and Outdoor Movie Night (Fried Green Tomatoes of Course) Food provided.
Saturday is Ax Throwing, Fun Photo Shoot, and Bring it and Burn "Bonfire" and BBQ.
Sunday : Group Float Trip and fun on the river. Making new friends and planning for next years event